Showing results 261 - 280 out of 334

Keßler, A 2010, 'Schiefstellung und Axialschubverhalten von Zylinderrollenlagern', Hannover.
Kriese, M, Wittek, EC, Gattermann, S, Tischmacher, H, Poll, G & Ponick, B 2010, Prediction of motor bearing currents for converter operation. in 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010., 5608127, 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010, 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010, Rome, Italy, 6 Sept 2010.
Meyer, C 2010, 'Reibung in hoch belasteten EHD-Wälzkontakten', Hannover.
Neumeister, A, Carsjens, M, Pape, F, Rissing, L & Kling, R 2010, Investigations on the laser induced polymerization of organic-inorganic hybrid oligomers for micro stereo lithography applications. in 29th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, ICALEO 2010 - Congress Proceedings.
Schmidt, T, André, M & Poll, G 2010, 'A transient 2D-finite-element approach for the simulation of mixed lubrication effects of reciprocating hydraulic rod seals', Tribology international, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 1775-1785.
Wittek, EC, Kriese, M, Tischmacher, H, Gattermann, S, Ponick, B & Poll, G 2010, Capacitances and lubricant film thicknesses of motor bearings under different operating conditions. in 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010., 5608142, 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010, 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2010, Rome, Italy, 6 Sept 2010.
Arlinghaus, HF, Lipinsky, D, Assenkamp, A, Skubacz, T, Poll, G & Brüning, C 2009, ToF-SIMS investigations of tribological layers. in World Tribology Congress 2009 - Proceedings. World Tribology Congress 2009 - Proceedings, pp. 725, World Tribology Congress 2009, Kyoto, Japan, 6 Sept 2009.
Behrens, B-A, Gatzen, H-H, Peshekhodov, I & Pape, F 2009, Investigation of the mechanical behavior of a PU-based coil-coating system with the help of indentation and FE analysis.
Denkena, B, Kayapinar, H, Gatzen, HH & Pape, F 2009, Design, Fabrication, and Calibration of Capacitive Air Gap Sensors for the Application in Levitation based Guides in Microactuators. in IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference - SENSORS 2009. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, pp. 1915-1918, IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference - SENSORS 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand, 25 Oct 2009.
Dinulovic, D, Pape, F, Saalfeld, H, Kurniawan, W, Obermeier, E & Gatzen, HH 2009, 'Operating range optimization of a slider with an integrated microactuator (SLIM) for hard disk drives', IEEE transactions on magnetics.
Gatzen, MM, Pape, F, Gatzen, HH & Poll, GWG 2009, Frictional investigations on ball bearings lubricated using greases with polymer additives. in World Tribology Congress 2009 - Proceedings.
Gatzen, MM, Pape, F & Poll, GWG 2009, 'Physical properties of boundary layers in angular contact ball bearings lubricated with greases containing polymers', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology.
Gunst, U, Guillot, J, Valle, N, Zabel, WR, Migeon, HN, Poll, G & Arlinghaus, HF 2009, Investigation of tribological system surfaces of high-speed rolling element bearings by AES, XPS and SIMS. in World Tribology Congress 2009 - Proceedings. World Tribology Congress 2009 - Proceedings, Japanese Society of Tribologists, pp. 816, World Tribology Congress 2009, Kyoto, Japan, 6 Sept 2009.
Kuhlmann, J 2009, 'Tribologische Eigenschaften von Wälzlagerschmierfetten bei dauerhaft niedrigen Betriebstemperaturen', Hannover.
Mirzaei, S, Fahlbusch, T, Reithmeier, E & Poll, G 2009, Optische Schlupfmessung an rotierenden Wälzlagern und deren Auswertung mit digitaler Bildverarbeitungstechnik. in Gleit- und Wälzlagerungen: Gestaltung, Berechnung, Einsatz ; [Tagung] Wiesloch bei Heidelberg, 9. und 10. Juni 2009. VDI-Berichte, vol. 2069, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, pp. 91-102. <>
Pape, F & Gatzen, HH 2009, Resistance of multilayer diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings for MEMS applications against oscillating wear. in World Tribology Congress 2009 - Proceedings.
Poll, G 2009, 'Verleihung des Georg-Vogelpohl-Ehrenzeichens an Herrn Dr.-Ing. Hermann Münnich', Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 5-6.
Wennehorst, B & Poll, GWG 2009, Investigations into the tribological characteristics of radial lip seals: LIF and friction measurements. in R Flitney (ed.), Papers presented at 20th International Conference on Fluid Sealing: Nottingham, UK, 7th - 9th October 2009. BHR Group - 20th International Conference on Fluid Sealing, pp. 213-229, 20th International Conference on Fluid Sealing, Nottingham, United Kingdom (UK), 7 Oct 2009.
Erdmann, K 2008, 'Einflussfaktoren auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Mehrfachsynchronisierungen', Hannover.
Neudörfer, S 2008, 'Thermomechanische Einflüsse auf die Tribologie von Synchronisierungen', Hannover.