Study and teaching contents at the Institute of Machine Design and Tribology


During the first four semesters of the bachelor's program, the IMKT is involved in teaching the basic knowledge of design technology and machine elements that is indispensable for engineers. The main focus of the lectures is the presentation of common machine elements, their range of application and dimensioning. For the deepening and practical implementation of the lecture contents, design projects are offered in parallel to the lectures.


During the first four semesters of the bachelor's program, the IMKT is involved in teaching the basic knowledge of design technology and machine elements that is indispensable for engineers. The main focus of the lectures is the presentation of common machine elements, their range of application and dimensioning. For the deepening and practical implementation of the lecture contents, design projects are offered in parallel to the lectures.

Advanced studies

The range of lectures in the advanced study program covers different areas of interest. Based on the research activities of the IMKT, the lecture Tribology provides students with a constantly updated insight into the topics of friction, lubrication and wear. The lectures on vehicle propulsion and rail vehicle technology as well as an upper-level laboratory on electromobility are more product-oriented and focus on vehicle technology as a main source of innovation in mechanical engineering. The lectures from the areas of Industrial Design and Rules of Engineering deal with special aspects of machine design.


In the thematic environment of current research activities, there are always interesting questions that can be addressed in the context of project, study, bachelor, master or diploma theses. In addition to the more theoretically oriented computational or simulation work, the experimental field of the IMKT offers a variety of opportunities for experimentally oriented work. The CAD pool at the institute and the involvement with the elements of the powertrain offer good conditions for working on topics with a constructive character.

Student Jobs

Working as a student assistant is a good opportunity to work on the solution of current questions parallel to your studies. At the IMKT, there are constant opportunities to participate in ongoing research projects. The spectrum of tasks ranges from practical work on the test bench to the evaluation of measurements, the design and construction of assemblies, and simulation and calculation. In addition, there is also the opportunity to participate in the supervision of the constructive projects.

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